This Blog Has Moved!

I moved my blog on New Years Day, 2010. If you haven't come to see my new blog, head on over HERE now. This blog will be available for archive reading but I won't be posting here anymore. I hope you'll join me at my new bloggy home!

p.s. I am slowly but surely moving all the blogs I follow over to the new blog, so if I haven't come to visit you for a while, my advice is to leave a comment on my new blog, so I don't miss you in the shuffle!

About Me

My photo
I am a bereaved mother and wife. I began this blog to help me look for the "good things" in life after my daughter, "Babybear", died in July 2005. Three years later, her daddy, my husband, "Bear", died in November 2008. (You'll find a link to their stories on my blog) And now, as difficult as it is, I continue to look for the good things in my life as I learn my new normal with my pup, "Furrybear", at my side. And the angels on my shoulder...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

WW: Snow Storm

The day before this photo, we could still see the sidewalk, which is unusual this time of year.

It started to snow sometime after midnight, I think, and this photo was taken around 6 pm. By the next morning there was probably twice as much snow as seen in this photo.

Is it spring yet....? I'm so over winter.


Brian Miller said...

still got some pretty hefty piles from the snow storm the other week...come on spring!

LBBlum said...

brrrr... at least you can feel right about snuggling up with a nice cup of coco....

I'll try to send some warm breezes your way!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Winter has just begun here as well!

Sarah Coggins said...

Great photo! We only got a dusting here before Christmas that quickly melted. But my parents in northern Virginia got about 20" from the same storm and still have several inches. I'm ready for spring too - warm weather & longer days. :)

Leslie said...

I love snow pictures! I've only "been" to the snow less than a handful of times. Always for just a visit!

Too cold for me...

Karen said...

Brrrr....come this far west and we usually just have rain.... ;-)