This Blog Has Moved!

I moved my blog on New Years Day, 2010. If you haven't come to see my new blog, head on over HERE now. This blog will be available for archive reading but I won't be posting here anymore. I hope you'll join me at my new bloggy home!

p.s. I am slowly but surely moving all the blogs I follow over to the new blog, so if I haven't come to visit you for a while, my advice is to leave a comment on my new blog, so I don't miss you in the shuffle!

About Me

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I am a bereaved mother and wife. I began this blog to help me look for the "good things" in life after my daughter, "Babybear", died in July 2005. Three years later, her daddy, my husband, "Bear", died in November 2008. (You'll find a link to their stories on my blog) And now, as difficult as it is, I continue to look for the good things in my life as I learn my new normal with my pup, "Furrybear", at my side. And the angels on my shoulder...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

WW: Reason # 47884 Why I Miss You

These are just a few of the tags. I can't find the rest, or maybe they got tossed. Anyway, he felt that he was only allowed to give a certain number of gifts so he had to come up with some other ideas. They included "Santa", "The Christmas Elves", "The Christmas Ghost", snowmen, reindeer, etc. Anyway, that's the kinda guy he was. And he never forgot Babybear either. *sigh*


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

with tears in my eyes as I read this...


Brian Miller said...

smile. my wife and i do that too...

Oonie said...

I love it. What a great display, and what how lucky you were to have him (them!) in your life. I know it must be a brutal week for you. Hang in there...

Niecey said...

That's precious. Made me tear up too. What a sweet memory. I'm sorry you have to be alone this Christmas.

Jen Sue Wild said...

I am so glad you still have these.. What a great tresure..

Jayme said...

Aww that is so sweet :)

Michelle said...

SO sweet and great way to remember him this time of year.

Santa Claus said...

Merry Christmas from me and Otin!

Hang in there Ter. This was very emotional reading this!

Jenners said...

Awwwww sweetie. Hold on to your memories ... he loved you so much and he loves you still.

Anonymous said...

Wow. What an amazing man.