This Blog Has Moved!

I moved my blog on New Years Day, 2010. If you haven't come to see my new blog, head on over HERE now. This blog will be available for archive reading but I won't be posting here anymore. I hope you'll join me at my new bloggy home!

p.s. I am slowly but surely moving all the blogs I follow over to the new blog, so if I haven't come to visit you for a while, my advice is to leave a comment on my new blog, so I don't miss you in the shuffle!

About Me

My photo
I am a bereaved mother and wife. I began this blog to help me look for the "good things" in life after my daughter, "Babybear", died in July 2005. Three years later, her daddy, my husband, "Bear", died in November 2008. (You'll find a link to their stories on my blog) And now, as difficult as it is, I continue to look for the good things in my life as I learn my new normal with my pup, "Furrybear", at my side. And the angels on my shoulder...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Fragments - Overload of Cuteness!

Welcome to Friday Fragments!


First and foremost, I would like to congratulate two of my friends (this one and this one) on the births of their baby girls this past week!

(I get to meet one of the babies today!)


I've noticed there are a few new followers on my list...welcome! I hope you will find my blog worth coming back again. I look forward to getting to know you, but of course you might have to introduce yourselves! :)

If you are one of my regular followers, and I'm not one of yours, please let me know. It's no fun being followed if I'm not following you too!


Friday Funny:

This is either really funny or an overload of cuteness! Either way, it brought a smile to my face!


Vickie photo tagged me. The rule was to go to your 1st folder in your photos and then pick the 10th photo. I decided to change it up a little. I went to my 2006 file (the year I got my digital camera) and the first file there was my 2006favorites. The 10th photo in that file was this one:

I had put it in my favorites because I learned how to make the B&W with color directly on my camera and was pretty proud of myself. Of course, I haven't done that since! The bear was my first Mother's Day gift from my daughter/her daddy. *sigh*


Have you seen the show "I Survived A Japanese Game Show" ? I watched it last summer and it was so funny. It's on again now! Unfortunately at the same time as "So You Think You Can Dance" but that's what VCR's are for! (yes, I'm old school!)

Here's a clip of a commercial for "I Survived A Japanese Game Show" advertising this season's premiere which was on Wednesday. If you haven't watched the show, you should. It will have you LOL-ing!


I did it ! I did it! (What did I do? Read Here to find out!) Yes, I know it's hardly anything to be excited about about but it's a big step for me. I also did this!


I forgot to keep track of how many walks and gym time this week. I think 2 times at the gym and 3 times walk.


Have a great weekend everyone!



Allison said...

ha ha! Whack a Kitty! so cute.

Teri said...

that kitty video was SOOOOO cute! Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

Funny video!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I was so LOLing at the whack a kitty, then I felt bad! Poor kitties! But it's so funny!

Beautiful bear.

Yes, I've seen that show, hilarious!

Vickie said...

That kitty video is so cute!!

Thanks for playing along. Sweet bear and cool how you can add color to black and white.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Love your picture of your teddy. Very pretty! Great job on the exercise!!

Jenners said...

Whack a kitty is classic.

And congrats to you on your bravery! It may seem like small things but they are not! The first time I mowed my lawn, I was so proud. And I'm just now getting over my fear of propane. Good for you Ter! I'm proud of you!

~~Mel~~ said...

I can't watch the videos until later (from home, I'm at work now) but I can't wait to see them!

I still have a vcr too...we live in the dark ages lol.

Controlling My Chaos said...

Seriously, you find the funniest video clips. I love the Whack-A-Kitty game. :)