This month's Follower-of-the-Month is Emalee from I Am Me.
Emalee is a fellow angel mom who I met here in Bloggyville. Her blog is sweet and full of love for her son Kenner. Emalee has the most adorable little pup named Meli who my Emma wishes lived close by so they could play together. I wish Utah was closer... I love that Emalee knows sign language!
Without further ado, may I introduce you to Emalee!

1. What's your name?
2.Tell us a little bit about you.
I am 30 1/2. I have been married for 9 years. I am a mommy to a beautiful angel Kenner. I love the color green. I like shoes and purse and I now have a sock fetish. I hate wearing shoes but LOVE sandals. Flip Flops especially. I have a puppy named Meli (maylee or Meh-le). She is almost 11 weeks old. I live in utah, I have lived her my whole life. I am the middle child. One older sister sarah and One younger brother Jeremy. My brother is married to Jen who I love also, with 3 beautiful children whom I love as if they were my own. Ian 8 Alene 6 Ashley 5. My parents and sister and brother live in Arizona. I love my family. I have some close friends, one of them my best friend Her name is Rachel. I call my sister. We are the Kay sisters. I have a lead foot and enjoy to speed! I work for the goverment, IRS. I also have a small part time job at a grocery store. Up unitl Oct 2008 I was going to school. I want to be a sign language interpreter. I have always just wanted to learn sign language, they didn't offer it in High School so I took french! I don't know any french. I LOVE pretty much any music, NOTHING hard and nothing too rap....LOL Ummm......I guess that is it.
3.When did you start blogging and why?
I started my blog in March of 2008 for fun. To update my friends and family of the comings and goings of my life!
4.Tell us a bit about your blog.
My blog has changed a lot since November 2008. I started for fun and now its my outlet my way of expressing how I feel through the loss of Kenner. I feel so much better when I write stuff down. SO my blog is a journey of sorts a Journey on which many other women have traveled. Sometimes its a LONG and HARD DARK road to go down, BUT right now I see the light at the end. IT keeps getting brighter. I don't know if this road will ever end but at least its not as dark as it was 5 and a half months ago.
5.Has blogging changed you or your outlook on life at all?
Yes, I never know how many women have lost babies. I knew it happened I just didn't know it was a commen I guess for lack of a better word it was.
6.Link us to 1 - 3 of your favorite posts from your own blog
Ter~ I can't say that they are my favorite but I when I read them I feel my emotion in them .
7.Link us to 1 - 3 of your favorite fellow bloggers
JUST 3???? Yours is one but I choose 3 other ones I like to read. I have way more that I like but alas you only asked for 1 to 3 SO here you go!
It really is, all about me Roxane, is just funny. I was her first follower and we became fast friends.
Stepping Stones I get a lot of information on this blog about pregnancy and infant loss. Emily just knows!
YaYa Stuff YAYA enough said!!!
8.How did you find my blog and why do you follow me?
WOW I think I found you off of stepping stones when I first lost kenner, It was before I followed so, I just kept going back and forth between sites. THEN I figured out that I could follow SO I started to follow you because you, just touch my heart!
9.What, if anything, have you gained from reading from my blog?
I have gained a since of strength from you. You have walked the path before me and I know, in the end I will be ok. You have suffered WAY more then I could ever imagine and here you are alive and wanting more from life. Wanting to move forward from your losses. I just know that if you can do it, I can!!!
10. Tell me the truth, you're going to brag to all your bloggy friends that you were my follower of the month, aren't you? ;)
Thank You, Emalee, for being my Follower-of-the-Month! It was great to get to know more about you!
If YOU would like to be featured as a Follower-of-the-Month, please send me an email and I'll put you on the list! Otherwise, I may have to harass you until you give in!
I love the follower of the month post:) I always enjoy discovering new bloggers:)
We are learning sign language here too. It really is a very beautiful language!
Thanks for sharing Emalee with us!
I love Emalee!!!!!
Nice to meet you Emalee!
I really enjoy these posts ... it is a great way to get to know somebody and learn about their lives. Nice to meet you Emalee.
Nice to meet Emalee!!
I love these posts.
Nice to know a little more about Emalee! Thanks for the interview!
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