... I really want to get this...
My husband and I have talked about getting a KitchenAid mixer for years. Well, it's currently on sale at 3 different stores and even though I really shouldn't be spending money on non-essential items right now, and I also really do not have the room for it, I feel that the price is worth it, and I think it would help me eat better now that its just me here. I currently have a low quality hand mixer which is a PITA for using in anything larger than pudding.
Flyer info:
KitchenAid Ultra Power Stand Mixer
10-speed 300watts motor, 4.5 qt stainless-steel mixing bowl
With Accessories (Dough Hook, Wire Whip & Beater)
It is on sale for -
$249.99 at Canadian Tire - regular $369.99
$269.97 at Zellers - regular price $369.97 (flyer says includes pouring shield)
$229 at Walmart - regular price $298.88 (flyer says this one is only 250 watts)
(note: prices are in Canadian Dollars)
I'm leaning towards Canadian Tire for the 300 Watt and lower price plus Canadian Tire is having a scratch & save promotion this week (scratch the card and get xx amount off your purchases). The pouring shield would be nice but not necessary.
I know that when we bought our food processor, I worried we wouldn't use it often enough to make it worthwhile, but it's more than paid for itself as I use it often. I may not use the KitchenAid as often but probably more so than I currently use the hand mixer, and goodness knows any baking I do would get mixed much better than with my hand mixer.
So, my dear readers, I ask you to please reassure me that I am making a wise choice to spend money on this non-essential item!
You should buy it! Trust me, you will want to use it a lot when you get it! It is so worth the money:0)
I'd say if it is going to make cooking easier for you, then do it. I'm sure you would use it enough time to make it worth its while and more than paid itself.
I received a kitchenaid mixer for Christmas the year before last, and I really love it - I always had trouble mixing my chocolate chip cookies by hand because it's such a thick dough, and I use it all the time to mix up ground beef for making meatloaf or hamburgers (I generally pre-make 5 pounds of ground beef into hamburgers so that I have them handy in the freezer for barbequing) and it does a way better job than by hand. And having seen the credit card bill for what my dh paid for that mixer 2 days before xmas, in desperation, I can assure you that those are all good prices!! (and I have the pouring shield and would say it's not worth paying anything extra for)
treat yourself - you deserve it!
You deserve it- consider it a mother's day gift!
I don't know. I mean, they look cool and all, but I don't care for them. Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I prefer my mixer and a bowl. The people I have nannied for always have these and I never use them because they make more dirty dishes than necessary!
I definitely love my Kitchenaid. You will use it all the time!
I think it is a great investment and you totally deserve it :)
its a great mixer, and I agree, you do deserve it.
Do It I love mine!
I have the cheese grader /vedegtabel slicer attachment and I love it as well.
Well worth the price.
I say go for it Ter. I have one and they are great. I also bought a hand mixer by Kitchen Aid because when I bake, I make at least 4 batches and the bowls on the stand mixer just don't hold that much. The hand one I bought kicks butt as all of my batches are THICK!! Which reminds me, I have some baking to do tomorrow:) Treat yourself.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
Good for the nonbeliever (Yaya) to post here. That's good feedback.
Those are awesome prices and if you are pretty sure it's something you would purchase anyway, get it now while it's cheap. I know I have a pretty sizable file of Recipes I Want to Try When I Have a Stand Mixer. Keep in mind what Jen Sue Wild said: make sure the one you get has the attachments you need to make the stuff you want. All the attachments make it not a bargain if you need to get them all separately.
Have fun shopping!
I love mine! There is no other mixer. Seriously, they work so well and last so long. What color are you thinking of?
Do you bake alot or do you want to? I don't own one so I don't bake stuff that calls for a mixer. I used my Mom's once when I wanted to make something. It was nice.
Basically, if you think you will bake alot then get it.
Sorry if I don't seem helpful:)
I bet you will like it....I enjoyed reading your blog today.
I am still new to the land of blog, but so loving reading others stories. Everyone has a story and so many of them are so touching....
Hope you will stop by for a visit.
The May give-away has started and this month there will be 10 winners. I will be blogging from Disney World soon...
Unless it will put you into a terrible financial position, I say treat yourself! And don't feel guilty!
Yes! Do it! It will be SOO worth it, seriously. You deserve a treat!
I have one (got it as a gift from my very generous in laws) and LOVE it. If you don't have to short the landlord or skip a regular bill to buy it, I say go for it. You deserve a treat girl! Buy it for yourself for mother's day since you'll surely need to do something nice for YOU that day!
Go for it my dear friend! I would say Canadian Tire as well, good luck with the scratch and save!!
Take a pic of all the treats you make with it.
I really like mine. But, I find for my kitchen, it's too big to keep on the counter and it's almost a deterant to making something because I have to get it out of the cupboard and lift it onto the counter. It works fantastically though, and we got it because I burnt out three hand mixers since 2003, which is stupid.
If you feel that you will start cooking again for yourself, then it's totally something to have. But, if you feel that won't be cooking for yourself anytime soon, then it's not worth the money, when for $369 you could buy the new toilet and sink for the bathroom downstairs. (BTW, ask me about flooring, if you aren't too picky, I can get you free flooring). If you play your cards right, you can probably get the new door for the bathroom for that price too.
But, if buying this mixer will get you back on your feet in the kitchen, then do it.
Thanks for "touring" my kitchen! Go get yourself a mixer, sister!!! You'll love love love it!!!
I have one, have had it about 8 years and love love love it. However I don't cook as much anymore so it only makes it out of the cabinet a few times a year. Still a great little appliance. :)
I fell utterly horrible that I missed getting my card done, I had my papers laid out then life got in my way. I couldn't remember the name of your blog and kept looking for it by looking for bear - I just need to add you to my reader so that doesn't happen again - I thought I already had. :) Anyway, please accept my apologies - I don't typically flake like that and it has been weighing on me. :(
I'd love one of those! Been trying to talk myself into purchasing one for ages.
I love my Kitchen Aid mixer and use it all the time!!! If you can get it for a bargain and can afford it, do it. You won't regret your decision.
I found you through Jill's blog Forever n ever n ever. My heart hurt when I read all that you've gone through. My friend Sandy of the blog God Speaks Today lost her little baby Noah and has written a book about it that she hopes to get published. You can find a link to her on my blog Heart Choices. But if not I'll tell her about you.
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