Hey, everyone, it's VGNO!
We're late because the computer is acting up again. Growl.
But while you were waiting for us look what happened!

She's just like her Daddy. *sigh*
(luckily there wasn't much left in it,
and have I got her trained or what?
She took it to her mat -
the spot where she is allowed to eat her treats and bones!)
Oh with a face like that, you can't be mad at her for too long!
Did the "virtual" cheesecake cheer you up any?
Happy VGNO!
too funny! Happy VGNO :O)
Well, at least she took it to her eating spot. Good Bear!
Happy VGNO!
I hope the waters are receding or at least staying where they were. :)
Gotta love those pups!!! Saw a show today where the dog actually opened the fridge when the owners left the house... it was quite funny, because it's wasn't MY dogs!
Stopping by from VGNO!
Awww! Love that pic! Whenever Duke does something like that, his daddy says "what is this" and Duke won't look him in the eye and he just slinks away. It is so cute! Happy VGNO and Easter =)
I was wondering where you were!! Have a great night, and a Happy Easter:)
Cute dog. Happy Easter and VGNO!
Did the culprit confess yet? Bet you can't stay mad at that face. Happy VGNO!
haha, funny little dog! (and smart)
Happy VGNO
Have a great Easter weekend.
That is so funny! I love it!
ROTFLMAO! Oh, that's just too funny! My big dog decided he wanted the rest of the CheezIt's the Princess Nagger left on the play pool table - he got the box off the table and ripped it apart, but the bag of CheezIt's came out of the box and stayed on the table - just out of his reach... :)
Happy VGNO and Happy Easter! :)
That is so sweet! Hope you have a blessed Easter!
ooohh nummy that's some of that cream cheese dip isn't it? OH i love that stuff! happy (late) VGNO
Oh Ter, I can totally relate to this! My chocolate lab, Benny, must be part goat. I really have to stay on my toes to make sure he doesn't eat what I don't want him too.
Happy Virtual GNO (it goes all weekend, doesn't it?!! :-> )
Well, we know she has good taste! :-)
:) My dog once stole the weiner out of my mom's hotdog - he left the bun alone though. :)
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