Hi, I'm Ter the Grouch
I've been a real grump this past week. I don't know what's going on with me, but I'm grumpy. I'm scaring people away. I just hope some of my readers are indeed loyal and put up with me and my mood swings. Please don't take offense if I don't read/comment on everyone's blogs this week.
I feel like the bird in this book.

(My brother introduced me to this book, it's his favorite!)
I think the grumpiness started with my internet being off/on/off/on all week. Admit it. That'd make you grumpy too!
I got some statistics from my neighbor about the little ' dried up ' creek behind my house that I posted about in this post. According to what he wrote on Facebook, this little creek is usually 1 foot wide and 10 inches deep and it rose 8 feet in two days. So, thank you for thinking it's pretty, but it is prettier without the water! I'll hopefully go out and take some photos this weekend.
April 10, 1993 and April 19, 1993 were life altering days for our little high school. Two of our classmates were killed in two separate car accidents. I will never forget the eerie-ness of our school during that time and pretty much the rest of the school year. I think we all waited for the other shoe to drop. Bad things come in 3's right?
Update on Photography School:
This is a direct quote from the email they sent - "I think that you are a good applicant for the school and if we can sort out having an interpreter for you here at the school we would provide acceptance to the program."
So I am looking into that. Will update further as I know more.
I've added 2 new books to my Spring Reading Thing list.
Who needs an alarm clock when you got an Emma? She wakes me up by body-slamming against the bed til I get up.
Does anyone have a cure for lazyitits? I could use it. Seriously.
In fact, I'm trying to come up with more fragments just to avoid doing any real work. Talk about lazy!
Come back later for VGNO! I wonder what kind of adventure Emma will have this week....
I haven't noticed any grumpiness! I hope you have a good weekend!
Oh Man, I was grumpy when we could not use our computer. I also got the hand shakes. You know, I.Want.To.Go.On.The.Computer!
If someone tells you the cure for lazyitis, let me know.
Hoping the photography school comes together for you:)
I am grumpy too! its too bad I dont live close by I could be your interpreter! :)
Oh... you don't want to see me if my internet goes out!! Grumpiness accepted!!
Have some of that cheesecake and ice cream right now, then stop by again tonight for MORE sweets!
Oh my goodness. When I read "Anyone have a cure for lazyitits" I thought it said "lazytits". So much for my suggestion of a good bra...
I am having a grumpy week too! My house is all torn up and I have not shopped for Easter yet. I am going to stay at my parents house for a few days to get away from the chaos. Maybe my bad mood will go away!
Have a great weekend:0)
I haven't noticed you being grumpy! We all have our off weeks, and we are entitled to them!
Bask in your grumpiness and laziness- don't be ashamed! :)
It's okay to have grumpy moods once in a while. I tend towards Eeyore type blues myself.
Big hugs!
I hate feeling grumpy. Hope that feeling goes away soon for you. Congrats on the photography school thing - that sounds promising.
Okay I don't know if I missed something but why do you need an interpreter?
I've been a grump the past few days, as well - hang in there and (((HUGS))).
Everyone deserves to be grumpy now and then! And I think I read that book with my son! It was good!
And I'm glad you got two more books. You know you could have another one if you accepted my copy of Twilight! HAHA!
And that is cool about the photography school. I hope it works out.
Here's to a less grumpy week coming up.
Been catching up on older posts and couldn't figure out the "interpreter" part either?
I'm deaf, so that is sometimes automatically where my brain goes, haha.
Hope things are better now!
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