Hello! Welcome to Friday Fragments!
This week went kinda fast, and slow at the same time.
For a good laugh, check out today's Friday Funny!
Look at this beautiful butterfly magnet that YaYa sent me:
I think it looks good with all the other butterfly magnets I have!
(My fridge magnets are mostly butterflies, bears (of course!) and angels)
Even though this picture is an "oopsie" I liked how it turned out!
I finally found some glasses and ordered them. I will get to pick them up in a few days! I will post pics when I get them!
Remember this? Well, I went to get one and they had none left! Boo! But I was able to get a rain check. I failed to ask if I can still choose my color. I really want a black one. Maybe I will phone later and ask!
The weather here is driving me mental. One day it was +21 C, sunny, beautiful, was outside with my tanktop. The next day barely above zero, cloudy, rainy, COLD! Today, it is still cloudy and cold.
Last night I went to my friend's Norwex party. She convinced me to come with the promise of good food. I especially enjoyed the Brie cheese with onion and cranberries. I was tempted to grab the whole plate and eat it all for myself!
In the end, I ordered the Mother's Helper special which included 2 microfiber cloths, 1 window cloth, and a dusting mitt. There were a few other things I would have gotten but maybe next time.
Fort Thompson gave me this badge for my vlog.

Thanks, Tim!
I'm missing Bear and Babybear just a little bit more this weekend. Bear always gave me something to remind me of our babybear and something from Emma. This is what he got me last year.
I hate being alone.
I'm glad I have Emma. Last night when I came home, she immediately wanted to cuddle, and so that's exactly what we did. She holds my broken heart together.
Come back later for VGNO! Find out what Emma's up to tonight!
Don't know what VGNO is? Click the icon below for more details!

I love your magnets! I hope the weather warms up for this weekend!
Animals are so attuned to our emotions, aren't they? I don't know what I would do without my 'zoo'.
I just saw your comment on my blog! Can I tell you I have been reading your blog for a couple months now - I found you through Yaya, too. When I saw your pic I was like, "I read her!"
I am so sorry about your daughter. I can imagine that you think about what she looks like all the time. I can't pretend to know what you are going through but my heart reaches out to you just the same.
I was happy to read that you are one step closer to photography school - you take beautiful photos as it is!
Hey, thanks for joining in with Friday Fragments! Wasn't I just here last night? How did I miss this? :)
Thinking of you and saying a Mothers Day prayer for you; you are beautiful, and are an inspiration.
Hope the weather gets itself turned around quickly! It is pretty cool here too, actually a risk of frost tonight.
I am sorry that you are alone.
I love the new butterfly magnet too --- and the rest look good as well. The "oops" picture is really artsy!
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