Reign Over Me - Starring Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle.
Charlie Fineman (Sandler), a 9/11 widow, has retreated from the rest of the world. One day, he runs into Alan (Cheadle), his former college roommate. They soon begin to re-kindle their friendship, and so begins Charlie's healing process.
While this movie had some slow parts, I think it was necessary for the story's ultimate lesson. You can not force someone to "get better" until they are ready. Charlie retreated because people were pushing on him to seek professional help after losing his wife, daughters and dog in the 9/11 attacks. This only made things worse for him.
I enjoyed seeing Adam Sandler in this movie because it shows that he is not just a goof and can be taken more seriously as an actor. I hope he will make more movies like this in the future. The friendship between Charlie and Alan was interesting, yet realistic.
I certainly would recommend this movie, especially if you're looking for a feel-good movie, or if you like to see unique friendships stories.
Whenever Adam Sandler does serious movies it throws me for a loop!
I'll definitely have to look into it...thanks, Ter!
again, here's where we really differ. currently my Movie thoughts read: "Star Trek is the greatest movie of all time for right now."
I probably won't watch this movie because I avoid spending leisure time on anything that could remotely happen in real life, I want to escape (preferrably on the Starship: Enterprise!) and I don't want to watch something that I KNOW happened in real life, I watched it on TV and waited for the call from my second cousin that she was OK and made it through that day. (She works only a couple of buildings over from the WTC in New York.) She was fine and made it home. But I'm not up for visiting those feelings again. :-P
Same with Schindler's List. My main acheivement in High School was NOT watching that movie with everyone else. I know it was horrible, I won't participate in letting it happen again, so I don't want to watch it.
But, we've had this conversation before Ter, I won't waste comment space having it again. :-P
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie!
I will remember this, when I see it come on tv.
Looks like a good movie to check out. Thanks!
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