Welcome to Friday Fragments.
Thank you to everyone who emailed me or left a message in my comments with their concerns for my well-being. I am fine, I just haven't had a lot to say this week, and did most of my blogging over here this week.
Wednesday was 6 months since my husband died... half a year. *sigh*
Liz and Emalee:
Your Pay-It-Forward prizes should be on their way to you this weekend. Let me know when you get them so I can blog about them. In fact, blog about them on your blog so I can link you! I really hope you like your prizes.
Your Pay-It-Forward prize is done too! I'll give it to you when I see you! :)
I got these orange pajama bottoms so I can pretend I am YaYa.
They were only 8 bucks!

I'm now halfway through season three!
I've been slacking in the Gym and Walk department and have decided to start keeping track of how often I do both each week. (Doggie Park count is not in addition to the walks, I'm counting the walks AT the Doggie Park as a walk but I wanted to keep track of how many times we actually go to the Doggie Park as well. )
It will be slow starting but, hopefully, I'll work my way up. Send me some encouragement, would you?
Walks : 2
Doggie Park: 1
Gym: 1
Hoping to go to the gym later today, but we'll see. (edit: I went!)
Friday Funny:

Photo from Awkward Family Photos
(I nearly died laughing when I saw this. I really could die laughing, I choke every single time! I have to wonder what the wife promised the husband to get him to agree to this portrait. lol)
Have a good weekend, everyone! Hopefully, I'll be my old self again next week.
I'm so sorry it has been 6 long months. :(
Milestones always seem to bring up more feelings.
Thinking of you daily.
Where did you find those PJ pants??! Love them!!!
I love your PJ pants. Sooo cute!!
Love your PJ bottems they look comfy! That picture is great I laughed out loud and I am almost through season 3 too...it rocks!
Glad your back to your blogging I missed you!
Thinking of you, Ter!
And I have seen all the Seasons of 24, multiple times, but I just rewatched Season 3, last weekend.
I love those pants too- and oh man. That family picture. What the heck?! OOOOOOH I died laughing. So awkward, so awkward.
ooo! we should have a PJ pants party! I'd come!!!
I love hanging out in my PJ Pants... so comfy...
where'd you get those ones? superstore???
Sorry to hear about the 6 months. That can't be easy. I'm sure it was a really tough week ... as they probably all are.
I need help in the exercising dept. too. I've realized I really need to WRITE THINGS DOWN or I just don't do them.
There are weeks I'm uninspired to write too .. it happens.
And that photo!!! OH MY GOODNESS! It is just so funny!
That picture is hilarious! Love the pjs.
I think writing it down will help a lot. I like to write it on my wall calendar, it looks so great when you get a bunch of days in a row. It also looks bad when you have a bunch of days off and I seem to notice the trend faster. It's easy to think oh it hasn't been too long since I worked out when it's really been 3 or 4 days. It helps me to see in a hurry when it's been a few days and gets me motivated to get back on track.
That is an awesome picture! I agree, what was promised to get Dad to pose for that one. Hope you are okay, thinking of you.
OMG. I don't want to think about what I'd have to promise Nick to get him to wear a costume like that and pose for a family costume pic. On the other hand, very fab PJ pants! Though I can't stand the thought of wearing PJ pants right now, it is HOT in here!!
No worries on not writing, though I'm glad you're back. :-) And yay for going to the gym! You are so much better at that stuff than me!
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