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I moved my blog on New Years Day, 2010. If you haven't come to see my new blog, head on over HERE now. This blog will be available for archive reading but I won't be posting here anymore. I hope you'll join me at my new bloggy home!

p.s. I am slowly but surely moving all the blogs I follow over to the new blog, so if I haven't come to visit you for a while, my advice is to leave a comment on my new blog, so I don't miss you in the shuffle!

About Me

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I am a bereaved mother and wife. I began this blog to help me look for the "good things" in life after my daughter, "Babybear", died in July 2005. Three years later, her daddy, my husband, "Bear", died in November 2008. (You'll find a link to their stories on my blog) And now, as difficult as it is, I continue to look for the good things in my life as I learn my new normal with my pup, "Furrybear", at my side. And the angels on my shoulder...

Saturday, October 6, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday (Oct. 6)

click above banner to see more participants of Smart Habit Saturday!

I failed at last week's SHS. I blame the fact that I've just started a new job and I'm still "getting into the swing of things". But we all know the truth. It's me.

So, for this week, I am not really going to add a new habit, but work on the same habits. I will also be gaining a new habit of being a little more organized because with my new job, I have to take supplies with me every day, and so I'm hoping that this will naturally come to me as it is mandatory.

I have decided that calling my bedtime routine "Bedtime Routine" leads me to failure, because I literally wait until bedtime to start this routine and this results in things not getting done because either I am too tired or I've already crawled into bed when I realize I forgot to do something. The only things that I have been doing alright with is brushing my teeth and Emma's teeth. The only problem with that is that sometimes Emma thinks brushing teeth = time to play so then she won't get back into a relaxed mode for a while. By the time she does, I can no longer just "fall asleep" because I am overtired and / or have caught a second wind.

SO, I will start calling it my "evening" routine.

I do need some help though. I know what needs to be done, but how can I ensure that I will get everything done. Just having a list doesn't do it for me. I would be the most organized person if lists worked for me, because I write lists all the time!


penguinsandladybugs said...

There is nothing wrong with taking another week to work on a habit or several habits...I've done it many a time!! Good idea changing the may just help you out! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my ability to make my bed and brush my teeth. I know it seems silly :) Good luck this week!

A Juggling Mum said...

I'm working on my routines this week too, I'm sure if we keep practising we will get there :)

Rachel xx

Anonymous said...

Would it help to have a time listed for things you need to do? For example, I know that I need to have the kids out of the tub by 6:40 to have their pj's on and teeth brushed by 7 when we start reading to them. This gives us a good 20 minutes to read before we start putting them to bed at 7:30 (allowing enough time for another potty break, drink of water, and diaper change).

Once my little ones are in bed, I have 30 minutes to spend with my oldest - we get his lunch ready for the next day and make sure his school stuff is ready. Then we have time to do some reading together.

Once the kids are in bed, I can actually THINK about the next day for myself. I mentally walk through the day, often putting things in the car that I'll need - getting outgoing mail and bank deposits ready, gathering up library books that are due (or already late :), etc.

Does any of that make sense? Hopefully it will help some. Just keep working at it until you find something that works for you. Good luck!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

It's funny how symantics play such a part in our way of thinking! Congrats to you for picking up on what was working against you though. That can be half the battle. Good luck this week!

Lara said...

I have to set deadlines for things like that or they don't happen. Just get it done before you get too tired and I'm sure you'll do great!

Anonymous said...

i think changing the name is a good thing. also don't get rid of the list just can still be a help.

perhaps if you know how long things will take then you can figure out when to start. i set a timer to remind me when to get started and/or when to move on to the next thing. i don't like feeling like my time in the evening is scheduled but if i didn't have a schedule i would never get anything done!

it's hard especially when you are starting a new routine. keep with it - it supposed to take at least 3 weeks for habits to set in...for me, it takes a bit longer

gook luck and have a great week

Allison said...

You can try leaving some sticky notes iwth times on them for you around the house in the places you are most likely to be at that time.

Or, becuase you are on the computer in the evening, get a program that you can put reminders into that pop up at certain times to make sure you go do them.

Click Tray Calender is a great free program. you can set reminders in there. So, set it to get up and brush Emma's teeth at say 7:00 pm. Set it to remind you to do yours at 9 pm. and what not.

See if that helps.

Joc(e) said...

I have to agree, might as well get one habit down pat before you try to add another.

Kana Reminder is another good, simple tray-based reminder program. I put things in it like when it's time to take medication or to feed the cat and stuff like that...thing I don't want to put in my main calendar and tasks in Outlook. Google it :-)